City Code
Permits, Applications, and Code Enforcement
Hendricks City Administration ensures compliance of the building code and oversees ordinances that regulate the construction, alteration and use of buildings, and transit options within the city.
David Blees, City Administrator, (507) 275-3192
Permits and Applications
Application for Land Use Permit | Rezoning Application |
Conditional Permit | Variance Application |
Code Enforcement
A code violation is any use of land, including vacant properties and buildings, which is contrary to the provisions of the Hendricks City Code. Once a complaint is received, the City’s Code Enforcement Officer logs the information in a database. The complaints are ranked according to priority, with health and safety issues taking precedence over violations that do not pose an immediate health or safety risk. The Enforcement Officer will conduct a site visit and, if a violation is confirmed, a warning letter (Notice of Violation) will be mailed to the property owner. The Code Enforcement Officer will give the property owner a deadline to abate all violations on the site. This deadline will vary according to the number and type of violation(s) on site.
Also see: Truck Routes 6-18-19
Helpful Links
International Code Council
Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry
– Building Codes & Standards Division
– Minnesota State Board of Electricity
– Minnesota Plumbing Code
– Minnesota Licensed Residential Contractors
Minnesota Department of Health
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources
Lincoln County Website